You can manage your WSL distributions from the Powershell, with a just a few simple commands.

Listing the distributions installed

To list the distributions that are currently installed, run:

wsl -l -v

This will output something like this:

PS C:\Users\x> wsl -l -v
  NAME                 STATE           VERSION
* Distribution-name    Stopped         2

Exporting distributions

If you want to export a distribution, very much like creating a snapshot if you were using VMWare, you can run:

wsl --export <distribution-name> <filename.tar>

This will dump the distribution named “distribution-name” to a file called “filename.tar”.

Importing distributions

Now, if you want to import the previously exported distribution, you can run:

wsl --import <new-distribution-name> <distribution-installation-path> <filename.tar>

Launching distributions

If you want to launch a distro from Powershell, you can run:

wsl -d <distribution-name>

Changing the version of a distribution

If you want to change the version of WSL that a distribution uses run:

wsl --set-version <distribution-name> <version>

Setting the default distribution

You can set the default distribution to be used when typing wsl in the Powershell by running:

wsl --setdefault <distribution-name>

Unregistering (removing) distributions

To unregister a distribution you can run:

wsl --unregister <distribution-name>


PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl -l -v
  NAME      STATE           VERSION
* Debian    Stopped         2
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl --export debian debian-ready-to-go.tar
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl --import debian-testing .\debian-testing .\debian-ready-to-go.tar
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl --setdefault debian-testing
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl -l -v
  NAME              STATE           VERSION
* Debian-testing    Stopped         2
  Debian            Stopped         2
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop> wsl --unregister debian-testing
Removing from the registry...
PS C:\Users\x\Desktop>